國王的恩賜:傳奇 Kings Bounty The Legend MULTI 4
國王的恩賜:傳奇 Kings Bounty The Legend MULTI 4
國王的恩賜:傳奇 Kings Bounty The Legend MULTI 4 英文正式版(RPG)(DVD版)
King's Bounty: The Legend (國王的恩賜:傳奇)是一款有回合制戰鬥和角色扮演元
King's Bounty: The Legend is an adventure game with tactical turn-based
battles and role-playing elements. In a fairy tale fantasy world of
fearless knights, evil mages, wise kings and beautiful princesses the
player controls a hero. Leading their character through the game world,
exploring it, commanding armies in battle and accomplishing various quests
can mean great reward or huge defeats.
Gameplay is divided into two major sections: adventure mode and battle
mode. While playing in adventure mode the gamer controls their character
in real-time. With several classes available at the start of a new game,
the player moves through the adventure map seeking various treasures,
fighting monsters and accomplishing quests tasked to him by the local
stewards. Once in battle mode the gamer assumes the role of a war chief,
leading his troops in tactical turn-based combat. Battles take place on
land or sea, in dungeons or castles or even in some items! The hero
himself doesn't participate in the combat, but can assist his troops by
casting spells or summoning different creatures.
Classic real-time (adventure) meets turn-based (battles) gameplay
Rich fantasy setting, storyline with a lot of twists and an unexpected endi
Three types of characters to choose from - Warrior, Paladin and Mage. Each
of them with unique characteristics and abilities
Huge game world with dozens locations and battlefields - both on the surfac
and in the dungeons
The game world isn't static - enemies don't just sit and wait for the hero
to arrive, they pursue their own aims and try to get into the player's way
Additional Notes:
This version has 4 languages: English, German, French and Spanish
Do the math!
國王的恩賜:傳奇 Kings Bounty The Legend 簡體中文正式版(DVD版)
國王的恩賜 交錯世界 年度版 Kings Bounty Crossworlds Game of The Yea Edition 英文正式版(DVD9版)(RPG角色扮演遊戲軟體)
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國王的恩賜:交錯世界 Kings Bounty Crossworlds 英文正式版(DVD版)(RPG 角色扮演遊戲軟體)
國王的恩賜 交錯世界 年度版 King’s Bounty Crossworlds:Game of the Year Edition 繁體中文/簡體中文/英文正式版(DVD版)
英雄大帝 決戰異世界 世紀合輯(國王的恩賜 交錯世界 年度版) King’s Bounty: Crossworlds Game of the Year Edition 繁體中文正式版(DVD版)
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