親愛的艾斯特 Dear Esther
親愛的艾斯特 Dear Esther 英文正式版(AVG冒險遊戲軟體)(DVD版)
Copy everything from the SKIDROW folder into the game installation
《Dear Esther》本是一個來自Source引擎的HL2 Mod,曾贏得MoD DB網站2010年的Editor』
s Choice和09年Indiecade環境及敘事方面的獎項。
該Mod原由英國樸茨茅斯大學的Dan Pinchbeck開發並於07年首次公佈,現由Robert Briscoe(
鏡之緣的關卡設計師)接手重制。他表示自己會與原作者Dan Pinchbeck展開合作,還找來作曲
家Jessica Curry重新為該作編曲,最終目的是要讓這部作品走上商業發行的道路。
該遊戲的風格就是以驅逐各種鬼怪為基礎的,日前,官方公佈了《Dear Esther》遊戲將於2012
"A deserted island?a lost man?memories of a fatal crash?a book written
by a dying explorer."
Two years in the making, the highly anticipated Indie remake of the
cult mod Dear Esther arrives on PC. Dear Esther immerses you in a
stunningly realised world, a remote and desolate island somewhere in
the outer Hebrides. As you step forwards, a voice begins to read
fragments of a letter: "Dear Esther..." - and so begins a journey
through one of the most original first-person games of recent years.
Abandoning traditional gameplay for a pure story-driven experience,
Dear Esther fuses it?s beautiful environments with a breathtaking
soundtrack to tell a powerful story of love, loss, guilt and
Forget the normal rules of play; if nothing seems real here, it's
because it may just be all a delusion. What is the significance of the
aerial -- What happened on the motorway -- is the island real or
imagined -- who is Esther and why has she chosen to summon you here?
The answers are out there, on the lost beach, the windswept cliffs and
buried in the darkness of the tunnels beneath the island?Or then
again, they may just not be, after all.
Every play-through a unique experience, with randomly generated audio,
visuals and events.
Explore Incredible environments that push the Source engine to new
levels of beauty.
A poetic, semi-randomised story like you've never experienced in a gam
Stunning soundtrack featuring world-class musicians.
An uncompromisingly inventive game delivered to the highest AAA
精靈協奏曲 Dear Pianissimo 繁體中文正式版(DVD版)