簡奧斯汀 Jane Auste MP3+PDF 英語發音 DVD版(幼兒教學)(MP3有聲導讀)(適用任何家用DVD播放機)
adultery disturbs the relatively peaceful household at Mansfield
Park, it has quite unexpected effects. The diffident and much put-upon
heroine Fanny Price has to struggle to cope with the results, re-examining
her own feelings while enduring the views of others.
adultery us not a typical lane Austen theme, butwhen it disturbs the
relatively peaceful householdat Mansfield Park. it has quite unexpected
results. The diffident and much put-upon heroine Fanny Price has to
struggle to cope with the results,re-examining her own feelings while
enduring thecheerful amorality, old-fashioned indifference andpriggish
disapproval of those around her.
HENRY AND MUDGE MP3+PDF 英語發音 英文語言字幕版(幼兒教學)(MP3有聲導讀)(適用任何家用DVD播放機)(DVD版)
Curious Geonge MP3+PDF 01-18集(完) 英語發音 英文語言字幕版(幼兒教學)(MP3有聲導讀)(適用任何家用DVD播放機)(CD版)
培養孩子的英文耳朵 汪培珽分級書單 MP3+PDF 英語發音 英文語言字幕版(幼兒教學)(MP3有聲導讀)(適用任何家用DVD播放機)(CD版)(3CD)
WAYSIDE SCHOOL Gets a Little STRANGER MP3+PDF 01-57集(完) 英語發音 英文語言字幕版(幼兒教學)(MP3有聲導讀)(適用於電腦播放超值享受)(DVD版)
PM初級故事書 MP3+PDF 01-15集(完) 英語發音 英文語言字幕版(幼兒教學)(MP3有聲導讀)(適用於電腦播放超值享受)(CD版)
HENRY AND MUDGE MP3+PDF 英語發音 幼兒教學版(MP3有聲導讀)(適用任何家用DVD播放機)(DVD版)
黑暗蔓延 The Dark is Rising Sequence Series 紐伯瑞大獎作品 MP3+PDF 01-05集(全) 英語發音 幼兒教學版(MP3有聲導讀)(適用任何家用DVD播放機)(DVD版)