GFI FAXMaker For Exchange SMTP x64 v14.3.20090303
GFI FAXMaker For Exchange SMTP x64 v14.3.20090303
GFI FAXMaker For Exchange SMTP x64 v14.3.20090303 英文正式版(收發傳真軟體)
的成本,並大大提高您服務客戶的質量。 FAXmaker for Networks/SMTP 是企業級的高質量
性、易用性還是從管理、價格來看, Faxmaker都是您的首選! 將E-mail結合到傳真中。
FAXmaker for Networks/SMTP提供了全面的電子郵件支援。 用戶可以使用他們的電子郵件用
戶端來收發傳真。 FAXmaker for Networks/SMTP集成了SMTP/POP3郵件伺服器或Lotus Notes。
Reduce costs with the no. 1 fax server :
GFI FAXmaker is the leading fax server that makes
sending and receiving faxes an efficient, simple and
cheaper process. The problems with manual faxing ?
waiting for the fax to go through, the need for
printouts, physically walking to the fax machine ?are
solved because GFI FAXmaker allows users to receive
and send faxes directly from their email client.
With 30,000 customers and numerous awards, GFI
FAXmaker is the no. 1 fax server, offering reliability
and enterprise functionality at the best price on the
market. The benefits are numerous: Less time is spent
sending, collecting and distributing faxes, noticeable
cost savings and each fax received or sent is saved in
digital format as an email.
-No burden on the administrator
GFI FAXmaker is easy to install, requires little
maintenance and integrates with existing messaging
clients and customized solutions.
-Seamless integration with existing business processes
GFI FAXmaker integrates with your mail server,
allowing users to send and receive faxes and SMS/text
messages using their email client. The company can
also search for and backup all faxes in the same way
that emails are stored and retrieved on the network.
-Fax over IP (FOIP) support
GFI FAXmaker supports Fax over IP (FOIP) and
integrates with IP-enabled PABXs, and Brooktrout?s SR
140 technology to send faxes over the Internet.
GFI FAXMaker For Exchange SMTP v14.3.20090303 英文正式版(收發傳真軟體)
GFI Mail Security For Exchange SMTP x64 v10.0.20090526 英文正式版(電子郵件防毒軟體)
GFI MailSecurity for Exchange SMTP v10.0.20080614 x64 英文正式版(電子郵件的內容檢查、偵測、威脅分析及防毒的軟體)
GFI Mail Security For Exchange SMTP v10.1.20091201 英文正式版(郵件安全軟體)
GFI Mail Security For Exchange SMTP x64 v10.1.20091201 英文正式版(郵件安全軟體)
GFI Mail Security For Exchange SMTP v10.0.20090526 英文正式版(電子郵件防毒軟體)
GFI MailEssentials for Exchange SMTP v12.0 20070707 英文正式版(基於伺服器端的垃圾郵件過濾軟體)