Danware NetOp School Teacher v6.10.2009348
Danware NetOp School Teacher v6.10.2009348
Danware NetOp School Teacher v6.10.2009348 英文正式版(遠端教育套裝軟體)
NetOp School 是一個功能強大的遠端教育套裝軟體,目的在於提供高效的電腦化教
室教學。利用先進的遠端控制技術,NetOp School允許老師在網上輕鬆完成以往在
傳統的課堂式教學中所做的全部工作。由教育專家親自設計的NetOp School用戶界
力,徹底使遠端教學和網路課堂成為現實。簡單的說,NetOp School是教師通過電
NetOp School的主要特點:
* 可以通過電腦網路將教師的電腦螢幕實時顯示給所有學生;
* 增強了監督和幫助學生的能力;
* 教師對學生可以更好的控制;
* 輕鬆進行在線文本或語言討論;
* 學生可以輕鬆提問;
* 學生可獲得動手經驗;
* 在線演示功能;
* 無需到現場就可以為學生授課;
* 用戶界面極為友好——可很快學會;
* 不需要額外的大筆硬體投資;
* 基於非常穩定的技術;
二個功能模特:Student(學生機功能) Teacher(教師機功能)。
Netop School6 is the premier solution for computerized teaching
from Netop, the world's leading provider of classroom management
software. Designed for educators who teach in networked classrooms
or computer labs, Netop School6 incorporates powerful tools for
preparation, instruction and evaluation in one complete solution.
Share your computer screen with the class, supervise student
computer work, lend a hand when needed, control application and
internet use, distribute and collect documents, create tests and
evaluate student progress. Only Netop School6 offers this
complete, feature-rich set of tools in an intuitive new interface
that is fully customizable to streamline your teaching process.
Danware NetOp School Student v6.10.2009348 英文正式版(遠端教育套裝軟體)
Danware NetOp Remote Control Name Server v9.51.2010215英文正式版(遠端控制軟體)
Danware NetOp Remote Control Gateway v9.22.2009056 英文正式版(遠端控制軟體)
Danware NetOp Remote Control Guest v9.52.2010305 英文正式版(功能強大的遠端控制軟體)
Danware NetOp Remote Control v9.0.2007250 英文正式版(遠端監控軟體)
Danware NetOp Remote Control Security Server v9.52.2010305 英文正式版(功能強大的遠端控制軟體)
Danware NetOp Remote Control Guest v9.22.20090105 英文正式版(遠端控制軟體)