EFD Software HD Tune Pro v3.50 英文正式版(硬碟性能診斷測試軟體)
HD Tune是一款硬碟性能診斷測試工具。它能檢測硬碟的傳輸率、突發數據傳輸率、數據
存取時間、CPU 使用率、健康狀態,溫度及掃瞄磁碟表面等。另外,還可詳細檢測出硬碟
HD Tune is a Hard Disk utility which has the following functions:
* Benchmark: measures the performance.
* Info: shows detailed information.
* Health: checks the health status by using SMART.
* Error Scan: scans the surface for errors.
* Temperature display.
HD Tune may also work with other storage devices such as memory cards,
USB sticks,
iPods, etc.
HD Tune Pro includes many new features such as: write benchmark, secure
erasing, AAM setting, folder usage view, disk monitor, command line
parameters and file benchmark.
Enjoy another fine release from HERiTAGE!
HD Tune Pro v5.00 英文正式版(被廣泛使用的硬碟檢測維護軟體)
RiseFly Software BestSync v6.2.36 繁體中文正式版(文件同步備份軟體)
Michael Thummerer Software Design AllSync v2.7.48 英文正式版(文件同步與數據備份軟體)
Icare Data Recovery Software v4.5.2 英文正式版(強大的資料恢復軟體)
Key Metric Software FolderSizes v6.1.76 Enterprise Edition 英文正式版(磁盤管理軟體)
Power Software PowerISO v5.0 繁體中文正式版(閃客虛擬光碟機軟體)
Dillobits Software InSync v10.4.8 x86 英文正式版(備份軟體)