Paragon Alignment Tool v3.0 Personal Edition Recovery CD SUB100 iSO 英文正式版(硬碟效能增進工具軟體)
Paragon Alignment Tool 是一款非常新穎的硬碟工具,據稱它可以:
Misalignment of logical partition sectors and actual physical
sectors leads to redundant read/write operations. Paragon
Alignment Tool 3.0 will help you align partitions on physical
and virtual disks according to internal device's geometry
without affecting the on-disk data
Paragon Alignment Tool v2 0 Recovery CD MERRY X-MAS SUB100 iSO 英文正式版(硬碟效能增進工具軟體)
Paragon Alignment Tool v2.0 Recovery CD MERRY X-MAS SUB100 iSO 英文正式版(硬碟效能增進工具軟體)
Paragon Advanced Recovery CD based on WinPE for Paragon Rescue Kit v9.0 Professional 英文正式版(Paragon 數據恢復軟體)
Paragon Hard Disk Manager 11 Server with Virtualization Add-on Advanced Recovery CD based on WinPE 英文正式版(Paragon磁碟管理工具整合包軟體)
Paragon Advanced Recovery CD based on WinPE for Paragon Partition Manager v10.0 Server Edition 英文正式版(數據恢復軟體)
Paragon Hard Disk Manager 2009 Suite v9.0.9.8130 Recovery CD based on WinPE 英文正式版(磁碟管理大師軟體)
Paragon Backup and Recovery 11 Home v10.0.17.13783 英文正式版(數據備份軟體)