HD Tune Pro v5.00 繁體中文正式版(硬碟工具軟體) 破解說明:
就可以使用(請一定要照做,不然無法使用) 內容說明:
HD Tune 是一套實用、容易操作的硬碟工具軟體,其主要功能有硬碟傳輸速率檢查 、健
New file tests which measure:
sequential read/write speed
random 4 KB read/write speed
multiple random 4 KB read/write speed
New monitor functions can show:
detailed performance statistics of different block sizes
positions where I/O activity took place
which programs and processes generate I/O activity
Improved support for +2TB disks
Added option to scan A: and B: drives
Added option to show drive serial number on main screen
Fixed issue with Fahrenheit temperature display 相關商品: