Nuclear Coffee VideoGet v2.0.2.30 Retail 英文零售版(網路視頻影片下載軟體)
網路視頻影片下載工具。支援超過200個視頻網站,包括:YouTube, MySpace,
Google Video, Yahoo Video, VSocial 等。
VideoGet is a tool for downloading your
favorite video clips from more than 200+
video websites. It supports such websites
like YouTube, MySpace, Google Video,
Yahoo Video, VSocial and a lot more.
Most of these video websites are keeping
video in FLV format, and a lot of people
don't know how to playback these files.
VideoGet also providing you with ability
to convert each video in most popular
formats for more comfortable video
playback. VideoGet supports AVI, MPEG1,
MPEG2, WMV, FLV, MP4, 3GP, MP3 file
formats, so you will be able not only to
view it, but also put it into your
mobile phone or any other portable device
Nuclear Coffee VideoGet v2.0.2.28 英文正式版(在線視頻下載軟體)
LimeWire Pro v4.18.3 Retail 英文零售版(在網路上分享與尋找檔案的軟體)
CoffeeCup Visual Site Designer v5.85 retail 英文零售版(網站設計軟體)
Dundas Gauge for ASP.NET Edition v2.1.1.100 for Visual.Studio 2005 Retail 英文零售版(Gauges (儀表盤)和指示器(Pointers)軟體)
LimeWire Pro v4.18.3 Solaris Retail 英文零售版(在網路上分享與尋找檔案的軟體)
LimeWire v4.16.6 Retail Unix 英文正式版(在網路上分享與尋找檔案的軟體)
Acunetix Web Vulnerability Scanner CE v8.0.20111215 Retail 英文正式版(網路漏洞掃瞄工具軟體)