MadcapSoftware Lingo v1.0.1 英文正式版(基於XML的高度集成的翻譯工具軟體) 破解說明:
1. decompress and install 'Setup.msi'
2. replace\Resources\License\Public.xml by nGen\Public.xml
replace\Resources\Registra tion\Public.xml by nGen\Public.xml
3. use our KeyGen for UserKey and RegistrationKey by choosing the phone
4. enjoy the release!
5. Buy and support authors. 內容說明:
MadCap Lingo? — 不要再次陷入翻譯的困難之中。MadCap Lingo?是一款基於XML的高度集成
的翻譯工具,能將您項目創建的工程翻譯為目標工程,而不必再次創建一份工程副本。 英文說明:
MadCap LingoT is the most integrated translation memory
system and authoring tool the industry has ever seen.
MadCap Lingo eliminates the need for out-of-project file
transfers keeping everything in context.This removes
content and formatting corruption that is so common with
traditional localization work flows.