Olympus DSS Player Standard 2008 v1.00 英文/俄文/意大利文/西班牙文/德文/法文 多語言正式版(高品質聲音文件軟體)
高壓縮比DSS (數字語音標準)文件格式,採用了簡單和具有成本效益的方法,可以電子
郵件附件的方式傳送高品質聲音文件。 支援幾乎所有的奧林巴斯數碼錄音機。支援USB文
件分割和加入功能。DSS Player 2008.v1.0支援Windows 2000,XP,Vista平台。
The high-compression DSS (Digital Speech Standard) file format is a simple
and cost effective way of sending high-quality voice files attached to e-
mails. DSS is used by almost all Olympus Digital Voice Recorders.
Although DSS files are usually only 1/12th to 1/20th the size of conventional
WAVE files, there is no reduction in playback quality.
DSS Player Standard 2008 is used to playback, cut and archive your notes,
and is included with all Olympus Digital Voice Recording products that
feature model specific special functions.
lash Player Pro v5.7 英文正式版(flash播放與管理軟體)
Aurora Blu-ray Media Player v2.19.4.3289 藍光高清影片播放器 繁體中文版
KaraWin Std v3. 繁體中文/簡體中文/英文/德文/法文/西班牙文/意大利文 多國語言版(卡拉OK MIDI及MP3的播放軟體)
Windows Blu-ray Player v2.15.4.2009 繁體中文/英文版(DVD、藍光碟影片播放軟體)
ToonTrack EZ Player PRO VSTi RTAS v1.0.6 x86 x64 英文正式版(多麥克風鼓組樣本回放引擎軟體)
FantasyDVD Player Platinum Multilangual v9.4.3 Build 208 英文正式版(DVD播放軟體)
BS Player Pro v2.51.1021 繁體中文/英文正式版(媒體播放器)