DELCAM POWERSHAPE V8 英文正式版(模具設計軟體) 破解說明:
check crack\install.txt 內容說明:
PowerSHAPE 是一套複雜形體造型設計系統,智慧化游標新技術,操作簡便,易學易用。
PowerSHAPE 使用 DelCAM 完全造型專利技術,將實體、曲面和三角面片造型建模技術相
結合,充分發揮三種造型建模技術的優勢。 系統提供專業化塑料模具設計模組和自動電
極設計模組。PowerSHAPE 廣泛用於具有複雜形體的產品、零件和模具的設計。 英文說明:
PowerSHAPE CAD software provides a complete environment to
take your product ideas from concept to reality. PowerSHAPE
offers unrivalled freedom to manipulate surface form of the
CAD model, to build from wireframe and make global changes
with solid feature operations and editing. PowerSHAPE
follows the philosophy of "Simple to create, easy to
modify". PowerSHAPE includes all PowerSHAPE's core hybrid
modelling tools as well as a number of features that are
focused specifically upon the needs of designers. 相關商品:
Delcam PowerSHAPE 2014 R2 英文/繁體中文版(混和式 3D 設計系統軟體)
Delcam PowerSHAPE 2012 整合 SP7 繁體中文版(混和式 3D 設計系統軟體)(DVD版)